Welcome to my shiny new travel website. This is the very first post of what I hope will become a valuable resource for those who travel, a place for friends, family and the curious to find out where I am and what I’m doing as well as a little playground for me to experiment with writing and producing content in a way I’ve never really done before.

My name is Jamie and I’m planning on travelling for a year by bicycle to Singapore from London. Foolish I know but then I’m only one of thousands of fools who’ve completed this same journey. I’m half Singaporean half English and think of myself as Scottish because that is where I grew up. I think one half of me is sufficient excuse for attempting this journey – I have family I haven’t seen in seven years and while I could fly I don’t think the journey would be as satisfying or thrilling. I’ve always wanted to visit the countries that I was flying over to get to my mother’s ancestral homeland. I could never afford to do it by taking a lot of flights and I highly doubt that I would be able to appreciate the countries I’m going to in quite the same way.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone Neale Donald Walsch

If you want to read more about why I’m doing this trip and what my objectives are you can go to The Reason here. If you want to know more about the route and the general plan I’m making go to the The Journey. If the last two pages made you think you would like to help me out or get involved in some way the visit Support Me!

I’ll be updating this site as often as I can while I prepare but to tell you the truth I’m probably not going to be very well prepared – it’s a case of “have bike will travel” at this point. At the very least blogging often and early should help me to reach my milestones for the trip as I’m now publicly sharing this site.

I hope this site evolves from travelogue to travel resource and eventually could support my efforts on a longer global journey but only time and probably a lot of effort will tell. The countdown begins now:

21 Days till departure

5 thoughts on “Cycling from London to Singapore

    1. Don’t worry I’ll be boring everyone with this travelogue! That is assuming I even have the time to write when I’m not cycling

  1. Let me just say many apologies for the appalling lack of grammar, the abysmal spelling and the utter tediousness of you having to put up with yet another travel blog.

    I’ve added inline comments so now you can nitpick paragraphs 😉 but unfortunately they are not displaying inline!

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